Thursday, October 28, 2010


you're in the sunset skyline
exposed through glass
and their checkers

Friday, September 3, 2010

Circus Monkey shrieks: RAARRRR, be scared kids

Last night, as was the night two days previous to this one, displayed many phantasmogorical qualities. That is, it was a time when friendly musicians were fallen in love with, deep purple rabbit hair was purchased and worn, memories of 90s children television shows were exhibited, an avocado shake prior to its ice-tea-shake conversion, was shared, and when winter had left its rainy sporadic remnants.

In honour of this, I present you with: Circus Monkey.

He's inspired by a version of the nightmare toy story 3 one, a somewhat post-modern musical toy made to scare off the kids with his highly acrobatic-inspired security tactics. He is also in memory of SURCAS, reminding me that I've always thought of 'being raised in a circus and having to escape to the city'.

He wears a vintage top half of which consists of bold multi-coloured triangles and has many hands to aid in his performance.

Infact, this could also be dedicated to Rainbow - the first follower of this blog - who isn't as eye-popping scary. Though she most likely posesses the talent and skill recquired to perform endless amounts of standing backflips and pick up cymbals for any musical rendition she fancies.

*Her eyes peer furtively from side to side, hoping stalking is another artistic pursuit*

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The yellow and blue see-saw man

I find it interesting how one idea leads to another. It's the most obscure thing. You can be enjoying yourself in that present moment, thinking about the food you're eating...and then POW - you find yourself thinking about how this faded blue and yellow see-saw (that your brother snabbed and placed in the backyard) can be seen as a man with triangular arms.

He is a poor see-saw man under bondage of adhesive tape and has to satisfied with what his arms and by inference, his hands can or cannot do.

In fact, I should be thanking my brothers girlfriends camera (because ours produces really grainy shots) and rollip for giving this man a handsome vintage feel. We are pretty blessed to be in so close contact to multiple multimedia mediums - and although, if we obsess, there lies a danger in them isolating us from nature and the world, often they present us with an opportunity to see things or project things different to the way they originally look or have been percieved.

You see, I've had HUGE troubles maintaining this blog. I've actually kept one since 2008 but didn't really progress with it. I think the reason for this lack of motivation was that keeping a blog assumes you take on an online personality. I, ofcourse did not really want to commit to ANOTHER side of myself when I was already dealing with other self-induced problems.

However, NOW, I think I can make it work. I can make it fun. I think it's a great way to report on the sides of the self that often get left behind in daily activity. A move to the blogosphere will also (hopefully) lessen the amount of diaries I buy and never use. So, for me, it's advantageously sustainable, which is one reason to love blogging.

In fear of rambling and letting too much of my time be eaten up (impending assignment awaits), I want to end by quickly introducing my blog.

I thought a major part of it would be characterised around the thoughts and feelings I have towards our city and those who live in it. It's a jerky ride because you never know what BIZZARE, UNEXPECTED, EXCITING idea, person, event will be thrown you're way when you start opening your eyes to the experience. I also want to start to think about the catergories of the poor and the rich, and start to understand what boundaries exist for each, and those that exist between them. This blog is also motivated to filter and charge creative, intellectual and whimsical ideas about how I beat, a site I'm keen to work on with a leader from church.

On that note, I'll leave with another photo of a man we probably ignore too often. But how silly that we do so! He is, by far, a very original and charming fellow.